Pandelis Mnimatides
Curriculum Vitae

Pandelis Mnimatides was born in Khartoum, Sudan in 1958.
He holds a degree in Political Science from "Panteion" University.
After a brief engagement in journalism, in 1978 he went on to work in the Educational and Training Media Distribution. In this context, he has worked in the areas of Business Development, Sales and Marketing Management. Also, he has been responsible for the planning and monitoring of the procedure for dubbing programmes into the Greek language.
Additionally, since 1989 he has been offering his services as a professional trainer in seminars, courses and workshops on Management, Communication, Sales, Customer Service etc. to various companies and training institutes and organisations. Since 1983 he has been working as a professional translator and a literary adviser.

48 Aegeou Street, 171 21 N. Smyrni
Athens- Greece
Phone:+30 1 9344915, +30 1 094 514245 - Fax: +30 1 9344915

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